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Shipping Policy

When your destination country is the United States, you can choose between standard delivery and express delivery.
Standard delivery.
Standard delivery time (e.g. 15-20 business days <not including holidays>)
Standard delivery and free shipping conditions, e.g. $15 (free for orders over $200)
Free for orders with standard delivery up to the free shipping amount (e.g. over $200) Discounts are automatically applied at checkout.
Delivery times may be longer during peak seasons and sales.
Express Shipping.
Express shipping time (e.g., 15-20 business days <excluding holidays>)
Express shipping costs, e.g. $15
Delivery times may be slightly longer during peak seasons and promotions.
China. We ship Monday through Friday (except public holidays) to all 50 states in the United States (and Washington, DC).
How do I track my order?
Our delivery times start from the moment your order is accepted and include a 24-hour window for processing and shipping your items on business days. Please note: During sales, this may take longer.
Once your order has been packaged, we will send you a shipping confirmation email with delivery information and a link to track your order online. Please note that tracking information may take a few days to become available.
You can also track your order in your account.
Taxes and Duties
Taxes and duties are calculated based on your shipping destination and are itemized on the checkout page. Be sure to select your location to see the correct local market price, delivery time and shipping charges.
Option 1: Item price includes taxes and duties
We ship to all locations on a DDP (freight paid) basis, which means that all relevant import taxes and duties are included in the product price.